November 13, 2019


ConSPIC 2019 -- Envision dedicating fifteen years to a critical interest and emptying staggering amount of funds into it, at the same time confronting a disappointment rate of 95 percent. Today's medications go to the business sector after an extensive and very costly process of drug development. It takes anywhere in the range of 10 to 15 years.
December 26, 2019


Following a successful sponsor/CRO partnership in which Covance supported a large sponsor's reimbursement call center, a solid partnership had formed, founded on trust and a shared culture. The sponsor expanded this partnership with Covance with the desire to seamlessly transition another reimbursement support program from their current vendor.
<span>Transforming Patient Safety to the Next Level</span>
December 26, 2019

Transforming Patient Safety to the Next Level

The Labcorp integrated drug safety solution incorporates a comprehensive set of pharmacovigilance (PV) services across all aspects of the product lifecycle through our state-of-the-art technology platform and streamlined processes.