<span>Assessment of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) risk of two novel pharmaceuticals based on in vitro covalent binding to human liver protein measurements and reactive metabolite trapping</span>
June 11, 2023

Assessment of drug-induced liver injury (DILI) risk of two novel pharmaceuticals based on in vitro covalent binding to human liver protein measurements and reactive metabolite trapping

ISSX-DMDG 2023 -- Idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a major cause of safety-related drug withdrawal post-market for small molecule medications and a major cause of attrition during drug development. Prediction of DILI remains difficult, and the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood.
<span>MutaMouse at Labcorp: A 10-year historical review</span>
July 2, 2023

MutaMouse at Labcorp: A 10-year historical review

UKEMS 2023 -- The OECD 488 test guideline (TG488) on Transgenic Rodent Somatic and Germ Cell Gene Mutation Assays was first adopted in July 2011 and has been revised periodically in July 2013, June 2020 and most recently in June 2022. This guideline describes the use of a variety of transgenic rodent models to reliably measure gene mutations in vivo.
<span>Advance Precision Oncology Drug Development with OmniSeq INSIGHT</span>
July 3, 2023

Advance Precision Oncology Drug Development with OmniSeq INSIGHT

A Comprehensive, Customizable Genomic and Immune Profiling Solution - from Discovery through Commercialization. Your mission is to move across the drug development continuum with speed and efficiency. Our goal is to help you by delivering insight on emerging and actionable biomarkers targeted for drug development.