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Early detection starts with you

Colon cancer is 90% survivable if caught early.1 Routine screenings like the at-home Labcorp ColoFITTM kit test are your best line of defense when it comes to safeguarding against colon cancer.


Early detection starts with you

Colon cancer is 90% survivable if caught early.1 Routine screenings like the at-home Labcorp ColoFITTM kit test are your best line of defense when it comes to safeguarding against colon cancer.

You have the power of choice when it comes to screenings

Did you know that colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer deaths in the US?2 Screening tests can detect early cancer or precancerous changes long before symptoms develop and while it is still easy to treat. Get the information you need to identify the right screenings for you.

Should I get screened?

Take this quiz that assesses certain risk factors to determine if now is the right time to get screened. 

What are my screening options?

Annual screening starts at age 45 for people at average risk. Many people have a colonoscopy, but there are other trusted, more convenient options like Labcorp ColoFITTM at-home kit. Talk to your provider about at-home screening or get a kit through Labcorp OnDemand.

Why is screening important?

Early detection can change your life. Hear from Tee, an ordained baptist minister and well-respected minister of his community, on the colon cancer screening he had at age 49.

It all starts with your annual checkup

Unfortunately, many of us don’t know the questions to ask or the routine screenings that will help us live longer, healthier lives. Begin your journey by having a conversation with your doctor.

Explore our patient resources

Staying informed is an integral part of staying healthy. Visit our Patient Resource Center to discover more on colon cancer and stay up to date on topics like wellness screening, fertility testing, disease management and more.

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